When I was looking for a store where they sell Nokia E72 phones I'd already made a resolution to recycle all my old cell phones. I was looking for a store that would do that or find other ways I could either help someone else or at least keep the phones out of the local landfill. Most of us are changing our mobile phones on a regular basis and if you're like me you have a drawer full of old mobile phones lying around collecting dust.
It turned out I had a number of choices. There are quite a few companies online where you can send your old mobile phones to be recycled. One in particular sends you on online coupon you can use at Best Buy, but it has to be an up to date phone to get the biggest credit. Many of my mobile phones are so old nobody wants them.
It turned out I had a number of choices. There are quite a few companies online where you can send your old mobile phones to be recycled. One in particular sends you on online coupon you can use at Best Buy, but it has to be an up to date phone to get the biggest credit. Many of my mobile phones are so old nobody wants them.